Tuesday, August 16, 2011


ive spent the last 7 months being that amazing boys girlfriend.
& its seriously been the best 7 months ever
how could it not be with that ridiculously attractive guy?
i <3 that boy

time flys by fast

tomorrow. TOMORROW. tomorrow. 
 i cant wait till tomorrow!
elder jarvis will be home 

Monday, August 8, 2011


“Sometimes I pretend to be normal; but then it gets b-o-r-i-n-g, so I go back to being me.”
 have you ever thought to yourself: i need to be more like this or i should do that? or any type of question like that? well, i have lots of times. & i wish i had someone to slap me every time i do. i know in life there is always better. always someone prettier, someone is always better at this or better at that, someone has more then i do, someone is more creative (that one i find myself a lot thinking cause im SO not creative) why do we always compare ourselves? why cant we just be content with who we are? the funny thing is is someone out there compares themselves to you. its just a viscous cycle. i know we were put in this time because we could handle it. but at times life seems unbearable. but in all reality its not. ITS LIFE. are mission here is to be tested not to just ease on by. when you are down in the dumps (well at least when i am) its because you are comparing yourself to the world or trying to "fit" in the world. dont do that. its hard to be comfortable in your skin sometimes. but remember its your skin not anyone elses. none can change you but you. but why should you change or want to? yes if you are addicted to like crack (or things like that, which i hope you arent) you probably should. but dont try to be someone better. because the best person is you at your best. so everytime you start comparing or questioning yourself or even going to the extreme of changing yourself to fit in. STOP. realize you are always going to be you. so dont be the fake you. be the REAL you.

t-minus 9 DAYS

 in 9 days this handsome missionary will be home
yes, thats my brother JD!
these past 2 years have past by so FAST!
9 days till i see him & 9 days till i can hug him
since the number 9 looks so appealing here is 9 reasons why i love him:
1. he is my brother
2. being able to say #15 (that was his football #) is my brother is one of my fav. memories from HS
3. when you're down in the dumps a hug or simple words from him make you SO happy
4. he went on a mission what a better example
5. he is HILARIOUS
6. he makes me mom make him pb&js
7. anyone can get along with him
8. when he went on a mission i got his car. so THANK YOU jd
9.  his testimony has strengthen mine

meet aaron preston pew

this is aaron preston pew
i met him on january 1 2011
but the fairy tale started on my birthday
january 16 2011
you know how everyone talks about how you can tell alot by a kiss?
well, you can.
lets just say BEST FIRST KISS EVER
 from that kiss i knew this boy was special.
everything about him is perfect & amazing which makes it a challenge (fyi i love being challenged) because i have to try everyday to keep up with him & get on his level.
he stays with me even though im crazy, cry for no reason, dont think logically most of the time, think youtube vidoes are hilarious when they arent, dont have a car or job (pathetic much?), scared of sharks so i wont go in the ocean, get cold when its like 80 degrees outside, sleep in till like 10 everyday, & so many more interesting things that make me who i am.
this boy has showed me that no matter what i do or say or especially how many times i say im gonna eat good this week & go to the gym everyday then dont
that i am still perfect to him.
i feel like taylor swift has summed up how i feel about him in 9 words:

lake time

one of the things i love about summer:
going to the lake
there is just something about being on a boat surrounded by water
tubing wake boarding sleeping & of course getting a tan
but most importantly being around friends & making memories that will last